Vows / Promises

Vows or promises are beautiful exchanges within a wedding ceremony that you will pledge to each other. 
Here are a 7 tips. It can feel overwhelming, it needn’t be. Writing vows can be a beautiful and creative way to remember why you are marrying. Once you get started it will flow, promise.
  • They should be written from your hearts and very personal to you both. 
  • Speak in your own tone of voice, resist trying to be something other than you.
  • Keep them succinct and sweet. 
  • Remember there is no wrong way to right vows, only your way. 
  • Make them meaningful and not trivial
  • They will be heartfelt and honest and will be your way of setting your intentions for your future together.
  • Don’t use googled vows, they will not be authentic and it will show. 
I can offer some guidance on these in my Vow Writing Workshop please contact me to find out more.
They are at their most beautiful when written personally by you both.


man and woman getting married, woman is laughing into her bouquet